How Long Do Motorized Blinds Last? Longer than You Think

Blinds are functional and decorative window coverings that protect a home’s privacy as well as block harsh sunlight from bothering homeowners. Blinds can also act as great insulators to keep out cold or heat. There are many different types of fabric, wooden, metallic, and plastic blinds that can be fitted for any type of window or home.
One drawback of regular blinds is that one must manually pull them up and down. This can be difficult if one is at home or if they are feeling lazy and don’t want to rise up from the bed or couch. Technology has sorted this problem with the creation of motorized or electric blinds that can be open and shut using a remote control, a timer, or a wall switch. Having the blinds roll up or down according to a timer is a great security feature that can give people the impression that you are at home even if you are away from your property.
One may wonder what happens if there isn’t any power or if the batteries in the remote controls run out. Will you be able to operate the blinds? Some motorized blinds can be pulled up and down manually in case there is a power problem. But some stay as they are until you fix the remote control or restore electricity. This is why it is important to know how long motorized blinds last before needing replacement. Read on for more information.

Battery Powered Vs Mains Powered Electric Blinds
There are two types of motorized blinds: battery-powered, and mains powered blinds. Battery-powered blinds come with their own battery to power the motor that moves them. These are also called wireless blinds because they do not need any wiring to electric outlets. The alkaline batteries used in these blinds may need to be replaced every 5 years. This is based on four movements a day. Battery powered blinds are great for areas with frequent power cuts as well as green homes where energy saving is important.
The second type or motorized blinds are mains powered blinds. These are connected to your home’s electricity system and will work as long as there is electricity. These blinds are advantageous because they don’t require battery replacement and will continue working unless they experience a mechanical fault.

Types Of Controls For Motorized Blinds
Electric blinds come with several ways of controlling them. First, they can be controlled with a battery powered remote control. The batteries in standard remote controllers are standard alkaline batteries and may need to be replaced annually depending on usage.
Blinds can also be controlled via a wall switch, smartphone or tablet, your smart home operating system, or a timer. These types of operators are great because they will not require battery replacement. They will work continue working until they get mechanically damaged.
So how long do motorized blinds last? As we have shown in this article, it depends on the type of blinds you have. Motorized blinds that are connected to your homes main system and operated with a smart phone could last forever if they don’t have any mechanical damages. On the other hand, battery powered blinds will need battery replacements about every five years.
For more information about blinds such as what type of blinds are in style read the rest of our blog.
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